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In closing ceremonies on Sunday, January 26, 2014, Artistic Director Pat Mire named the 9th COTB Film Festival winners of the "goujon caille" (spotted catfish) award, designed by Lafayette artist Pat Juneau and son, as follows:

Director's Choice Special Jury Award: SECRETARIAT'S JOCKEY, RON TURCOTTE (Canada); Special Jury Mention: THE NUMBERLYS (U.S.A./Louisiana).


Best Documentary Feature: THIS AIN'T NO MOUSE MUSIC (U.S.A.); Special Jury Mention: NIGHT LABOR (U.S.A.) and THE BLUES CONUNDRUM (U.S.A./Texas).


Best Documentary Short: CAN'T STOP THE WATER (U.S.A./Louisiana); Special Jury Mention: DES HOMMES A LA MER (Canada/Quebec).


Best Narrative Feature: VINO VERITAS (U.S.A.); Special Jury Mention: 45RPM (U.S.A./Arkansas).


Best Narrative Short: FILMSTRIPE (Canada/Quebec); Special Jury Mention: LE TRAIN BLEU (France) and L'ETAT DES LIEUX (Canada/Quebec).


Inspiration Award: ALLER-RETOUR (Canada/New Brunswick); Special Jury Mention: SUKI (Canada/Quebec).

Audience Award: THE NATURE OF FREDERIC BACK (Canada).


Congratulations to all!



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