Following a supposed malicious act perpetrated on his daughter, a man decides to organize vigilance patrols in his neighborhood, an initiative that degenerates quickly and opens the door to amalgam and to the primary racism of some fellow citizens... At the same time, Blaise, a young man born of immigrant parents, moves into his new apartment.
Suite à un présumé acte malfaisant perpétré sur sa fille, un homme décide d’organiser des patrouilles de vigilance dans son quartier, initiative qui dégénère rapidement et qui ouvre la porte aux amalgames et au racisme primaire de certains concitoyens… Au même moment, Blaise, un jeune homme né de parents immigrants, emménage dans son nouvel appartement.
French with English subtitles.
Director's Bio
Xavier Beauchesne-Rondeau studied cinema at the University of Quebec in Montreal (UQÀM) and at the Institut national de l’image et du son (INIS). Between 2005 and 2011, his short films "The Show" (documentary) and "Mourir sans faire de bruit" (Dying without a sound) (fiction) found a home in several local and international festivals. In 2012, "Il ne fait pas soleil" (The sun doesn’t shine) draw people’s attention by winning different prizes (including the “Tourner à tout prix!” jury prize at Saguenay International Short Film Festival). In 2014, he followed with his short film "Avalée" (Swallowed) and in 2015, he completed his first feature film, a completely independent effort called "Hier, aujourd’hui, hier" (Yesterday, today, yesterday). "Vigile" (Citizen Patrol), is his 9th short film.