Living in surreal universe, Mathilde, a young girl who is studying the violin in a peculiar school, finds her everyday life changed when her hands fuse with her instrument. Panicking, she will attempt by all means to flee her classroom, get rid of her instrument and find an exit.
Director's Bio
Alexa Tremblay-Francoeur is native from the city of Québec, now residing in the r Saguenay-Lac-St-Jean region. Her path took her through Cegep and University where she specialized in drawing and painting. It is only near the end of her studies that she starts experimenting with hand-drawn animation, at first with "Crayon Rose, Cheveux vert" then with "Déconstruction" and finally with "The Passage" an official part of the selection of the 20th Edition of the festival Regard sur le Court-Métrage in 2016. In the same year she completes her baccalaureate in art at the Université du Québec à Chicoutimi in 2016.