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Chicken Man is a comedic, yet emotional drama that tells the story of a unique individual, a chicken man, who has suffered through many hardships due in part to his appearance as a chicken. In overcoming these hardships, he cultivates such an extreme desire to fit in that he will sacrifice anything to do so, but will it be worth is in the end?

Cast: Matthew Whittle, Maile Zox, Nate Costantini.

Director Biography

Born and raised in Lafayette, Louisiana, Chips Romagosa has been making films since his interest in the medium was sparked through video assignments in high school. After graduating from Loyola University New Orleans with a degree in digital filmmaking in the Spring of 2019, he began working as a special effects technician for films and television shows in the New Orleans area, but continues to work passionately on his own films when not working on those of others. "Chicken Man" was Chips Romagosa's senior capstone project, but hoping to further fine tune the film, Chips continued with post production after his graduation. "Chicken Man" is the first film that Chips has released since graduating.
Chips Romagosa
Chips Romagosa
Jessica Richmond, Marcus Wilson, Chips Romagosa
12 Minutes
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