Gone Dark’ is short film which tells the tormented journey of Gina, a young Spanish woman who left her family for London, after what appears to be years of struggle and rejection when she started a loving relationship with a mysterious older man. But the memories we are confronted with, only show Gina’s interpretation of what may turn out to be a much more sinister past than she is willing to accept.
Film completion date: February 2018.
Director's Biography:
My unusual profile started with growing up in Paris, France before studying Film & Video in the South West of London, UK.
Since 2006, I went on from working an entry-level position at DedoWeigert Film GmbH (Munich) to moving quickly towards the world of post-production as a Video Editor/3D & Motion Graphics Designer in London, and finally thriving as a Creative Director in the field of advertising.
After resettling to Los Angeles in 2017, I am slowly transitioning towards the world of Film & TV as writer/director.