Through the story of young girls participating in a scout camp, the questions proper to adolescence are revealed. A timeless huis clos in the forest, where the small daily trials make the girls more mature and self-confident.
Director's Biography:
Constance Chaput-Raby signs her first documentary film Men Matters, noticed at the 2017 RIDM soirée de la relève. She is currently working on the medium-length film En Éclaireuses, a huis clos in the forest recounting the initiatory journey of teenage girls scouts. Her works celebrate the strength of the group, embraced with an intimate insight. Her first feature film, Parrandas, is in the research stage. A pyrotechnic accident in a small Cuban village caused serious burns to twenty people, she is interested in this amalgam of beauty and danger that animates this small village beating to the rhythm of the festivities. After studying journalism, she fell in love with the documentary genre, when it was this praise to slowness, this medium emerging from reflection, which tends towards a close and lasting relationship with the subject.