Filmmaker John Blouin presents this "live cinema" with both video and 16mm projection and live music by local musicians Chris Segura, this year's Grammy-nominee Kristi Guillory and Megan Brown, who will improvise their music to the story:
A peasant for seven years, a man sells off his biological farm, and gets back in the movement with his family.
Paysan durant sept ans, un homme liquide sa ferme biologique, pour reprendre le mouvement entouré de sa famille.
This film and music performance will take place at 8:30 p.m. at Vermilionville on Thursday, Jan. 22, 2015. Admission is $5 or a day pass ($10) for Jan. 22nd or a Festival Pass ($40), all of which can be purchased at the door or through Eventbrite via the festival web site.