In "Yukon parle français" you will meet francophones from around the world who came and established themselves in this land of endless beauty.
For many francophones who are now rooted in Yukon, it is a land of beauty, a special place that goes above and beyond their French culture.
Either the Belgian family who moved there in the 1960s, searching for the boreal lifestyle with its sleigh-dogs and wooden cabins, or the young entrepreneur who came with, in mind, the perfect cafe to open, the Yukon territory is one of those places where it is still possible to find your inner self.
After many years and many dreams, the idea of the gold diggers gave its way to the idea of peace, and truth. And if the Yukon is no place for the faint of heart, it welcomes anyone with the heart in their right place.
Pour ces quelques francophones qui ont eu le coup de coeur, le Yukon est cet espace magique où, au-delà de la langue et de la culture française, leur vie a pris racine. Que l'on soit immigrant belge, arrivé à la fin des années 60, jeune famille venue vivre le mythe boréal, avec traîneaux à chiens et cabane en bois rond ou encore, entrepreneurs en tourisme nourrissant le projet du parfait petit café, le Yukon est pour tous un de ces lieux où il est encore possible de trouver, de se trouver.