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’Coasters’’ is a character driven feature documentary that explores the lives of the people living on the Lower-North-Shore of Quebec namely: the coasters. Anglophone, francophone and first nations innu communities share the isolation of this barren land where there are no roads to the outside world. Every season brings a different challenge for these hardened canadians who live of the land and the sea. They all wait for winter, for when the frozen water and the snow offers the proper conditions for snowmobile travel. Then, the world is theirs. For almost a century, hockey tournaments, carnivals and dancing nights take place every weekend all up ‘’The Coast’’ in a different village. People that left the region for lack of work comes back for this moment frozen in time, knowing that everytime they come back home, might be the last.
Nicolas-Alexandre Tremblay, Stéphane Trottier
Nicolas-Alexandre Tremblay, Stéphane Trottier
Adam Pajot Gendron
85 Minutes
Quebec, Canada
Watch the Trailer
1/26/20 6:15pm at Cité des Arts
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